The Rosebud Rez Runners

Tonya Whirlwind Soldier

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Tonya Whirlwind Soldier


Tonya ran in middle school and high school. Tonya says,"I wasn't very good until my sophomore year and got 'Most Improved', started placing and made it to State a couple of times." Tonya ran to stay in shape and was part of the 'High Plains Drifters' back in the day. Tonya works as a fitness assistant for the RST Diabetes Prevention Program and wants to practice what she preaches.

Tonya completed her 1st Half Marathon in October, 2005. (See Below) and plans to do many more- Stay Tuned!

Mt. Rushmore 1/2 Marathon- 7th in Division, 26th overall Female. 2:19:29


Food: Anything cooked/chinese/Olive Garden/Outback

Movie: Chronicles of Narnia, Braveheart, and Passion of the Christ

Color: Navy Blue and Orange

Sporting Event: Cross Country/Track and Field

Hobby: Spending time with her 3 sons ("man cubs"), watching Broncos Football, running and working out

Quote: "You're only as serious as you want to be." (Serious runner or run for fun.)

If I could go on a run with anyone past or present, who would it be and why?
I wouldn't mind competing in the Olympics back in the day...

Other things that make you feel cool:
Being a mommy.


Conquering the World One Mile at a Time.


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Created by Jesse Coy & Emmy Her Many Horses